Sunday, February 8, 2009

Fischbowl Post #2

This fischbowl video was about teachers being technologically illiterate. I agree with this video in some ways. I do believe that technology has become an important part of a child's education and that they need to be well versed about how to use computers. When I was in grade school I knew nothing about computers, my computer classes in high shcool were a joke because all we learned how to do was play games. When I came to college I realized how much I missed out on in school because almost every class in college uses a computer in some way, shape, or form.

The downfall to me is that I don't think our eduaction system should be too focused on technology. the most important experiences a person can get from education is always hands-on activies because those are the ones you will remember the most. Technology has evolved so much over the past few years that it will absolutely blow your mind, I cannot imagine what will be in store when I graduate and finally become a teacher.

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