Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fischbowl/ November

AHS just opened up wireless Internet at the school for personal use and use in the classrooms. It is not available for use on the weekends at of now for security reasons. Many people ask the question "Why wireless?" They want to know why students need wireless access in the classrooms and what they could do with this access. This blog was dedicated to answering that question and clearing all doubts that wireless Internet is not needed in schools.

One of the reasons the blog discussed is that there is an infinite number of resources available to students online for projects or assignments; so much research can be done at the tip of your finger. Another advantage is the Internet has pretty much an unlimited amount of storage, students can saved their documents on google and retrieve them anywhere in the world, all they need is Internet access. Teachers as AHS have begun to use blogs and wikis in the classroom to enhance learning. Students will spend their live in a world advancing in technology all of the time so if they do not learn how to guide their way around the Internet now they will not be able to hold up in the outside world. Everything has already changed and advanced from when we were younger and I cannot imagine what it will be like for the generations of students in the future. My favorite thing about this blog was the quote from Albert Einstein that stated "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

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