Sunday, February 1, 2009

International Blogs

There is a blog by Jarrod Lamshed for his class in Australia. This blog is used a little differently than the other blogs. Mr. Lamshed uses his class blog for reflection questions. The students are given a topic and they have to respond to what they feel about the topic, kind of like a threaded discussion on online. There was also a post for a video quiz where the students have to watch a video for a quiz. this is the link for the blog in Australia .
At you can see a school in china called Singapore American School. This is a school that teachers American things to the students in China. The teacher, Mrs. Hossack post the children's assignments and also things to help the students if they get lost. The teacher also post pictures and videos of things her students are doing throughout the year so that the parents can see the activities that their children are doing. I think it is really cool that teachers in other parts of the world use blogs the same way that we do here in America. There is a picture of a one of the students from this class located at the top left.

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